10 Horror Movies Where The Last Scene Is The Best

1. Hereditary

Saw Adam Ending

Staking a claim for the most visually shocking conclusion in modern horror, Hereditary's final bow is a horrifically overwhelming experience. The acclaimed 2018 horror follows the Graham family, who find themselves tormented by the demon Paimon in the aftermath of their grandmother's death.

The unforgettably macabre finale begins with eldest child Peter returning home to find his father's charred corpse. Matters decidedly do not improve for the unfortunate teenager, as he registers the jarring sight of a naked occult member in a doorway before being chased into the attic by his now-possessed mother Annie.

Toni Collette is Hereditary's shining star and shine she does in depicting her character under Paimon's influence; the sight of Annie endlessly banging her head on the attic trapdoor or frenziedly decapitating herself with a piece of piano wire is unashamedly harrowing stuff. Peter clearly agreed, leaping out of a window to his death - only to be swiftly resurrected by Paimon.

Now in the demon's thrall, Peter makes his way to his sister's treehouse. Surrounded by worshipping cult members and grotesque mannequins comprised of his dead relatives' severed heads, the arriving teenager is hailed as King Paimon in spine-tingling fashion.

It's legitimately difficult to ascertain what the most disturbing element of Hereditary's closing sequence is. The naked occultists leering from the shadows, the blood curdling depiction of Annie's possession, and the traumatizing mannequins, legitimately constitute some of the most unsettling material this writer has ever witnessed in a horror film, let alone a final scene.

Horrific perfection.

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.