10 Horror Movies Where The Last Scene Is The Best

6. Rosemary’s Baby

Saw Adam Ending
Paramount Pictures

1968 witnessed the Tet Offensive, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr, and the debut of one of horror's most seminal cinematic entries.

Despite director Roman Polanski's status as an utterly despicable human being, Rosemary's Baby is still regarded as one of the greatest horror movies ever made - a truly impressive feat when one considers just how far the genre has advanced since 1968.

The film follows Rosemary and Guy, a newly-married couple who move into a New York apartment building. Rosemary soon becomes pregnant, only to become plagued by fears that her mysterious neighbours, the Castavets, intend to use her baby for ritualistic purposes.

Despite what had been legitimately invalidated paranoia until that point, the film's ending brings Rosemary's worst nightmares to life. After being dragged home and sedated, Mia Farrow's unfortunate protagonist is informed by Guy that she gave birth to a stillborn baby. However, a baby's cries soon alert Rosemary and she discovers a secret passageway that leads directly to the Castavets' apartment.

Rosemary is confronted with the most appalling sight for a new mother physically imaginable. Her neighbours - with Guy amidst their ranks - legitimately are Satanic worshippers, and it doesn't end there. A black bassinet complete with inverted crucifix reveals the cult have used her baby as a vessel to create the Antichrist - a child that she tentatively rocks, despite her initially horrified reaction.

Using a mother's unconditional love as a twisted vehicle for an endlessly evocative finale, Rosemary's Baby definitely saves the best for last.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.