10 Horror Movies Where The Monster Isn't The Villain

7. Stir Of Echoes

Shutter 2004
Artisan Entertainment

Based on Richard Matheson's novel of the same name, Stir of Echoes revolves around supernatural skeptic Tom. When he dismisses his sister-in-law for believing in ghosts, she hypnotises him, allowing him to detect the paranormal.

Soon after, Tom has haunting visions of a 17-year-old girl called Samantha, who plagues him with cryptic warnings. When the phantom urges him to "dig," he spends all day tearing up his backyard. Tom spends so much time trying to appease the spirit, he begins to neglect his wife and son.

For the longest time, it looks like the ghost's sole purpose is to drive Tom insane. But when Tom discovers Samantha's mummified remains during the dig, a series of flashbacks reveals the truth. Just before Tom moved into his house, his landlord’s sons lured Samantha into the building and murdered her after she rejected their advances. 

Unable to move on, her ghost lingered in the house ever since, hoping Tom would avenge her. Since Samantha was intellectually impaired, she had difficulty articulating herself, which is why her pleas to Tom came across as threats.

After Samantha's murderers are killed, she disappears, indicating her spirit is finally at rest.

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