10 Horror Movies Where The Reshoots Were Obvious

9. Amityville: The Awakening

Army of Darkness Bruce Campbell
Dimension Films

In fairness, the sheer fact that Amityville: The Awakening was shot in 2014 and not released until 2017 makes it clear that the film was a hugely troubled production, and it unsurprisingly went through a round of reshoots in 2016 to try and salvage the messy state of the project.

Even someone without any knowledge of the film's production history could surely guess something foul was afoot given its generally choppy editing style, making it clear that reams of material were cut away in order to deliver a snappy 87-minute runtime.

The Weinsteins reportedly took issue with the film's ending above all else, which is by far the most embarrassing part of the movie. Though the climax was reshot, it was apparently done with the absolute bare minimum time and money possible.

The new ending is bridged into the existing footage with an hilariously low-effort, minute-long newsreel containing just voiceover narration, production stills of the cast, and some random B-roll that presumably went unused during the main shoot.

It's a fittingly terrible capper to a movie that feels held together with duct tape and Krazy Glue, honestly.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.