10 Horror Movies With Terrible Concepts But AMAZING Execution

7. Rubber

Smile 2022
Magnet Releasing

Horror movie concepts don't get much dumber than Rubber, which revolves around a sentient tire that goes on a rampage, using its psychokinetic powers to explode people's heads.

It's easy to close your eyes and imagine Rubber as a slice of no-budget schlock produced by people who had few resources beyond a couple of spare tires laying around at home. But courtesy of surrealist filmmaker Quentin Dupieux, Rubber is a top-level rendition of a laughable concept. 

Touting a peculiar yet transfixing meta frame narrative, Rubber is more-or-less a satire of contemporary moviegoing, and especially our desperate desire for all film narratives to make sense. It is a film that verbally confesses its commitment to "no reason" upfront, and absolutely follows through for the remainder. Beyond that, the tire-murder sequences are genuinely unsettling and well-executed in their own right, even if the film is a fundamentally absurd piece of work.

In different hands, Rubber would probably be a one-dimensional joke that grows old fast, but Dupieux's deeply left-field sensibilities keep this one feeling fresh and beguiling all the way to the end.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.