10 Horror Movies With The WORST Killer Reveals

1. High Tension - Marie

Prom Night 1980

In this French horror film, a woman named Marie is staying with her friend Alex at her family's farm. During the night, a truck-driving male serial killer breaks in, murders Alex's parents and kidnaps Alex.

Most of the film depicts Marie chasing the killer and trying to save Alex, but once she kills the murderer the film drops maybe the worst plot twist in film history: Marie is the killer! The truck driver was just a figment of her imagination. Thus, the solid work of the film up to that point is broken beyond repair.

Marie being the killer (motivated by wanting Alex, whom she has a lesbian crush on, to herself) makes no sense since we saw her and the truck driver in different places many times, while it also negates most of the film, since we no longer know what actually happened and what was just Marie's imagination.

The truck driver killer was absolutely fine as a villain and there was no need for this twist at all. There's no doubt that horror movie killer reveals will carry on being hit-or-miss, but it's hard to imagine this plot twist ever being topped in terms of sheer awfulness.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.