10 Horror Movies You Shouldn't Watch With Your Parents

6. Slaughtered Vomit Dolls

The Bunny Game
Unearthed Films

Yes, you read that title correct. And if the name of this film alone isn't enough to tell you exactly why you shouldn't watch this bizarre experimental horror film with your parents, then read on to find out more.

The first instalment in what director Lucifer Valentine has dubbed his "Vomit Gore Trilogy" - with fourth entry Vomit Gore 4: Black Mass Of The Nazi Wizard (what a title) landing in 2015 - this film is as utterly bonkers as it sounds.

Structured around the loose and surrealist narrative of bulimic stripper turned prostitute Angela Aberdeen (the late Ameara Lavey, who also featured in the next two films before her tragic death) who, after turning her back on the church and running away from home, descends into a world of satanism, murder, and drugs. this film is not for those with a delicate disposition.

Repulsive imagery, grim violence, and (you guessed it) a whole lot of vomit - made all the more unsettling with the film's low production quality and distorted sound design - awaits you here.

With each entry in the series getting even more sickening, convincing your parents this is an arthouse project isn't likely to hold up.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.