10 Horror Reboots That Need To Be Green Lit

5. The Wolfman

I'm aware that this film was just remade with Benicio Del Toro. Oh, I'm aware. But I'm also aware that it was a complete mess and waste of time, space, and money. What happened there? I love the old school Universal movie monsters. Which you can see by three of them occupying slots on this list. I still think they're very important and represent things about humanity by using "monsters" as parallels for current issues and problems/ailments. The real problem, however, is the assumption that CGI and visual effects are needed to make these films. But those things are what in fact make reboots complete messes. We used to have to make monsters with real, practical effects. That's why, though technically dated, the original monster movies are still so much fun to watch and still so effective. These things are real because they literally have a physical presence on screen. I think our subconscious registers CGI as false. It may look as real as it can, but it's still intangible. A return to the original Wolfman, trying to utilize practical effects helps build the eerie mysticism around the creature. It used to be that the effects were so bad that they just wouldn't show the creature all the time. (i.e. Jaws.) But in return they used the story to build suspense and that creeps us out to no end. A Werewolf is kind of a silly thing. But takes on the genre like An American Werewolf in London are the thing of nightmares. It was like the original Hostel. Going to Europe meant maybe getting turned into a Werewolf. It's time for a good old fashioned monster movie to do well again. And none of this "hot", "sexy", Twilight Teen Wolf stuff. I'm talking OG Werewolve's bro. Dude gets bit, becomes a wolf, eats people. As far as gore goes, let's jack it up. It's cool to show people getting eaten by savage beasts. But don't overdue its frequency, that's where gore has been lost on us. In the modern Horror flick, someone explodes every ten seconds. It ain't scary when it happens that often. But if the tension builds and builds and builds and then, as if from out of nowhere, someone is devoured by a Werewolf. Hells to the yeah. That makes people afraid to go into the woods at night. Any which way you spin it, good ol' practical effects, blood, guts, and mayhem would make for a fun and frightening reboot.
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Actor, writer, filmmaker, stand up comic, jack of all trades...hopefully master of some. Living the dream, whatever that is, in LA while always sitting in traffic. He's also the co-creator of the comedy group NSFYM (Not Safe For Your Mom). facebook.com/nsfym