10 Horror Reboots That Need To Be Green Lit

3. The Island of Doctor Moreau

A step up from Frankenstein. Why? Because the guy creates not just one man from the parts of other dead men, but multiple animal men by performing his surgeries on the animals while they're still alive. Sickening. Though any interpretations have yet to fully become a Horror flick, I think, given the premise, it's high time we give that a whirl. One of the most frighteningly sick sounds I can think of is the squealing of a pig. Now imagine the excited, sadistic squealing of a pig man hybrid as he chases you and tries to torture and kill you. Exactly. Now, I've never read the book. But for some reason I feel like the necessary reboot of this would be something like the Hills Have Eyes reboot, only instead of inbred, mutant humans we have inbred, mutant animals that have been surgically combined with humans. Cows and horses and goats and pigs all mish-mashed with human beings to create an army of disgusting, horrific monsters hell bent on kidnapping and torturing people to the be used by the mad Doctor in order to make them into more and more of his monstrous slaves. The cycle never ends. And I will unabashedly say that we should do away with sticking strictly to the story so that we can chock the film full of disturbing images of animal people eating other animal people and prodding humans with hot pokers, and then throw lots of surgery in there for good measure. We can work in social themes and the topic of whether or not it's ethical or right, blah blah blah. That's easy. Just show me some monster people and blood and I'm good.
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Actor, writer, filmmaker, stand up comic, jack of all trades...hopefully master of some. Living the dream, whatever that is, in LA while always sitting in traffic. He's also the co-creator of the comedy group NSFYM (Not Safe For Your Mom). facebook.com/nsfym