10 Horror Remakes Everyone Expected To Suck (But Didn't)

7. The Ring

Speak No Evil James McAvoy

Gore Verbinski's The Ring kickstarted Hollywood's run of J-horror remakes throughout the 2000s, and arguably remains the standard bearer for glossy American remakes of international horror hits.

First and foremost, Verbinski and his cinematographer Bojan Bazelli did a fantastic job giving The Ring a distinct visual identity from both 1998's Ringu and Hollywood horror as a whole, the sickly green tint present throughout the film making it immediately recognisable from just a second's glance.

This speaks to the film's wider atmospheric achievements, relying less on gore and obnoxious jump scares and more on skin-crawling vibes and slow-building suspense. 

It doesn't hurt that Naomi Watts gives a terrific performance in the lead role either.

Ignore the thoroughly naff sequels that followed, but for a remake that seemed primed to be nothing more than a hollow, style-over-substance rehash, it's impressively effortful filmmaking from start to finish.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.