10 Huge Actors You Didn't Notice As Extras In Movies

9. Megan Fox - Bad Boys 2 (2003)

Ben Affleck buffy the vampire slayer 1992
Sony Pictures

Michael Bay has a long history of controversy to his name, most of which stems from his treatment of women and minorities in his films.

Perhaps Bay's biggest controversy, though, comes from Bad Boys 2, the bombastic, insanely over-the-top action sequel to his directorial debut.

In a nightclub scene, actress Megan Fox can be seen very briefly dancing under a waterfall, dressed in a bikini, before disappearing from the frame.

The problem? Fox was only 16 when the film was released, and is reported to have only been 15 when Bay cast her in the role of a club dancer.

Bay and Fox have had an infamously turbulent relationship over the years, but have worked together numerous times thanks to the Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchises.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.