10 Huge Changes In The Live-Action Dumbo Remake

4. Racial Controversy Is Replaced By Feminism

Dumbo Feather Eva Green

Divisive as they are, the controversial crows of the 1941 original were vital to the film's overall message. While they initially question his abilities, critical analysis suggests that they actually understand Dumbo better than anyone else. Without their influence, and the magic feather provided by the regrettably-named Jim, little Dumbo might never have learned to believe in himself.

Because of this, the film teaches more than self-confidence. In spite of (or perhaps because of) their characterization, the crows teach viewers that first impressions sometimes lie. Those we judge harshly can possess great value, just like Dumbo.

In the remake, Dumbo learns this lesson from young Milly. Her desire to be a scientist fuels her experimentation with Dumbo's abilities, yet also holds her back. She's afraid that others won't take her seriously, and this fear is sometimes justified. Like the 1941 film's roustabouts who labored alongside the elephants, Milly's society has not facilitated her success.

By replacing the original's allegedly racist black characters with Milly, Tim Burton's Dumbo forgoes racial commentary in favor of gender politics. In a late scene of the film, she expresses her frustration by vandalizing a science exhibit to portray a female mannequin in a suit while the male mannequin is dressed like a housewife.

Milly could be a fine way of delivering the film's moral if not for the culmination of her character arc. Rather than using her wits to help Dumbo in the end, Milly instills confidence in Dumbo by destroying a key she received from her dead mother. This key, which her mother said could open any door, is meant to parallel Dumbo's magic feathers. She doesn't need it to succeed, so she tosses it into a fire.

To reiterate, Milly declares her intrinsic worth by destroying an heirloom from her dead mother. Milly's utter lack of sentiment overshadows her message, and the film's muddled attempt at feminism winds up feeling like a desperate attempt to stay woke.

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Kieran enjoys overanalyzing and arguing about pop culture, believing that heated debates can (and should) be had in good fun. He currently lives in Fort Worth, TX, where he spends his time chatting with strangers on the bus and forcing them to look at pictures of his dog.