10 Huge Changes Old Man Logan Needs To Be Wolverine 3

6. Find An Alternative To The Red Skull

One of the main antagonists of the Old Man Logan comics is the Red Skull, who controls a section of the USA and has killed many superheroes that stood in his way (including his arch nemesis Captain America, who€™s costume he likes to wear as a trophy). The Red Skull€™s men end up stealing the super soldier serum and murdering Clint Barton. Without using his claws, Logan takes vengeance by killing the Red Skull and all his men. For the film version, the Red Skull would need to be replaced with a villain that Fox has access to. Ideally, like Red Skull, they€™d also need to be a household name villain among comic book fans. And, to make things really personal, it might help it they have pre-established beef with Wolverine as well. The obvious choice seems to be Ian McKellen€™s Magneto, who has flitted between fierce rival and reluctant ally to Hugh Jackman€™s Wolverine multiple times in the years since 2000€™s X-Men movie. I, for one, would love to see McKellen really let loose as an unhinged Magneto that has given up trying to be a good guy altogether and instead rules a section of mankind with an iron fist. This could provide a tragic ending for Patrick Stewart€™s Professor X as well, if the film follows the beat of the main villain killing Logan's ally.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.