10 Huge Hollywood Actors We All Loved (But Now Hate)

2. Shia LaBeouf

We Love You Moment: Holes (2003) When an actor makes their debut they benefit from being an unknown quantity. They are judged solely on their work and when a 17 year old Shia Labeouf made his debut with the imaginative and intelligent family adventure Holes everyone was impressed with this talented kid. He followed that with great supporting turns in films like I, Robot and Constantine that left everyone in no doubt that he was charming and funny. We didn't know who he was, but we liked him.
We Want A Divorce Moment: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) Familiarity breeds contempt, so it's unfortunate for Shia that he would be become Mr Ubiquitous in the late noughties. Following giant hit Transformers in 2007 it seemed like he was everywhere, starting with the misfiring fifth instalment of Indiana Jones, two more Transformers sequels and a sequel to eighties hit Wall Street. Making that collection of rubbish would be bad enough but the world also found out what type of person he was. In 2005 a neighbour's car was blocking his driveway, so as you do he drove his car into it in a pique of frustration and ended up getting arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. On the set of Charlie Countryman he dropped acid for real (and kept seeing an owl according to co-star Rupert Grint) showing that he had no grasp on what 'acting' means and most recently Shia admitted to plagiarising the work of graphic novelist Daniel Clowes. After being busted he tweeted his apologies which turned out to be re-tweets of other celebrities apologies and got engaged in a war of words with a handful of other actors. In his latest non-apology for his plagiarism he said the immortal words 'Authorship is censorship' and to cement his reputation as an idiot followed that up with 'Should God sue me if I paint a river?'. So now we know who he is - a pretentious, unapologetic dummy - and we don't like him. Chances Of Getting Back Together: No chance. Unfortunately he's still young enough to transform into an even bigger douche.

Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.