10 Huge Horror Movies That Were Instantly Forgotten

4. Alien: Covenant (2017)

Bird Box

If there's one thing you can say about the Alien franchise, it is that each film is memorable. Is that always a good thing? Hell no, haven't you seen Alien 3 or AVP? They are ridiculously bad movies. However, with that said, there is one film that doesn't get the moniker of memorable, as it has all the impact of a slap from a toddler. That movie is Alien: Covenant.

The most recent Alien movie is perhaps the safest one in the series. It got a substantial release and made plenty of money, but the overall lack of originality made it deeply forgettable. It's a competently made film, but it almost reads like a clip show of great horror moments from throughout the franchise, with none of the emotional investment.

Ask any horror fan for their thoughts and feelings on Alien, Aliens, Resurrection, or Prometheus, and you'll get plenty of opinions. But ask about Covenant, and you'll watch them try to remember if they've even seen or heard of it. Fingers crossed that the upcoming Alien: Romulus isn't more of the same. 

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Bird Box
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