10 Huge Movie Franchises That Don't Have A 5 Star Entry

4. Mission: Impossible (1996-2011)

As the driving force behind the Mission: Impossible series, star and producer Tom Cruise has done a commendable job in avoiding the pitfalls of many other blockbuster franchises. While numerous other big-budget properties are quite happy to rehash the same concept over and over again when it comes to making sequels, Mission: Impossible has employed a different director for every installment, a concept that gives each movie in the series a distinct style and tone. It is this refusal to stick to formula that has seen the franchise endure for almost 20 years, and gross over $2bn in the process. While none of the four entries so far have gained classic status, they have provided some of the most spectacular action sequences ever put to film. Brian de Palma's original movie is much more of an overt thriller than the sequels, managing to overcome the increasingly-convoluted and implausible plot thanks to some stylish visuals. John Woo took over for the sequel which turned out to be the most disappointing entry in the franchise, but manages to scrape by thanks to the director's inimitable visual style that overcame the alarming lack of substance. JJ Abrams made his feature debut with the third installment and delivered an entertaining summer blockbuster packed with impressive set-pieces. Fourth and most recent entry Ghost Protocol is by far the franchise's superior effort, Brad Bird seamlessly transitioning to live-action filmmaking with a kinetic actioner, with the Burj Khalifa sequence one of the most jaw-dropping scenes of any big-budget movie. With Christopher McQuarrie currently shooting the fifth installment, the series will no doubt once again offer something new to the long-running franchise, although it still lacks a genuine five-star movie.

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