10 Huge Movie Plot Twists That Make No Sense

9. The Planet Of The Apes

Planet Of The Apes Ending.jpg
20th Century Fox

Tim Burton's re-imagining of the 1968 classic The Planet Of The Apes has been largely forgotten by the world. Just to jog your memory, it featured Mark Wahlberg in the Charlton Heston role, Tim Roth as the evil ape leader General Thade and Helena Bonham-Carter as a surprisingly attractive chimpanzee.

Burton decided to do something different than the well-known twist of the original where Heston discovers he was on Earth all along. Instead, when astronaut Leo Davidson (Wahlberg) leaves the ape planet via the same time-travelling electrical storm that deposited him there, he crash lands back on Earth.

He discovers that the Lincoln memorial is now molded in the image of General Thade (Ape-raham Lincoln, you might say) and that apes are the dominant species on modern day Earth.

WhyIt Doesn't Work

The twist comes in the movie's final scene, to set up a sequel that never arrived. Presumably, the baffling development would have been explained in any subsequent installments - but as it is, it serves as a standalone scene that makes no sense at all.

We probably need to back track a bit to try and make some sense of it. The movie begins in the year 2029 and Davidson is catapulted through time to another planet in the year 5021. So, if he gets back to Earth in 2029, how did Thade get backtoo (presumably before Davidson does) and make apes the dominant species?

Too many questions and too few answers, a whole slew of sequels probably couldn't have made sense of a scene included for its initial impact rather than narrative potency.


David is an office drone and freelance writer for WhatCulture and Moviepilot, among others. He's also foolishly writing a serialised novel on Jukepop and has his own irregularly updated website. He's available for freelance work. Reach out on Twitter to @davefox990