10 Huge Movie Plot Twists That Make No Sense

3. Fight Club

Fight Club ending
20th Century Fox

The Twist

Fight Club tells the story of a disillusioned drone that, for the sake of convenience, we'll call Jack. Jackis a depressed insomniac who fills his spiritually empty life with mindless consumerism until he meets a charismatic new friend named Tyler Durden.

Tyler gives Jack a new lease on life by fighting him in a car park. The duo form a fight club for other disillusioned men that soon transforms into a quasi-fascistic cult, hell-bent on destroying modern society. The twist comes when Jack realises that there is no Tyler Durden - "Tyler" is merelyJack's disassociated personality.

Why It Doesn't Work

The big issue here is just why, exactly, anyone would want to join the fight club. Think about Jack and Tyler's first fight, in the car park of a bar. Given that Tyler wasn't there, this would just have been Jack hitting himself (much as he does in his boss' office in a later scene). In the movie we see that their regular "fights" attract a crowd and eventually move to the bar's basement.

You have to question the logic of the men in Fight Club's universe.In what world would a group of guys see a drunken man talking to himself and punching himself in the face and think: we should form a cult with this guy, and let him be our leader.

No, in real life everyone would give the visibly crazy guy a really wide berth. No fight club, no "Project Mayhem", just a really lonely guy hitting himself in the head in an empty car park.


David is an office drone and freelance writer for WhatCulture and Moviepilot, among others. He's also foolishly writing a serialised novel on Jukepop and has his own irregularly updated website. He's available for freelance work. Reach out on Twitter to @davefox990