10 Hypothetical Movie Prequels That Will Make Billions

6. Year Zero - A Prequel To Year One

Year Zero Hilarious stuff. I generally don€™t go for comedies that take place in the past, but Jack Black and Michael Cera really pulled me into this movie. So let€™s go back even further into the past: YEAR ZERO. No one has spent much time making movies about what was going on before the Big Bang. Even Terrence Malick would be all like, €œDamn, dawg!€ What sort of hijinks led God to creating the universe in the first place? And I€™m not saying have Jack Black play God, but I€™m also NOT not saying that. It would essentially be a one-man show, just Jack Black and the infinite cosmos. Perhaps it could even be in 3D, thereby bringing in way more demographics.
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Based in Chicago, Christopher Tucker does what he can to bring a little fun into the world through writing, videos and board games. More of his machinations can be discovered over at Tuckertronik.com. He feels confident that the entirety of his life will be broken into two segments: prior to the finale of Breaking Bad and post Breaking Bad.