10 Hypothetical Movie Prequels That Will Make Billions

4. Li'l Fast, Li'l Furious

Fast and Furious Holy cow, just when you think the Furious crew can€™t possibly pump more of your adrenaline, they do it. Nearly every single year. I've already got my ticket for the new one, yo. My only complaint is that I think the filmmakers don€™t properly mine their now iconic-level characters. I want to see Dominic, Brian and Letty from the beginning of their lives, man! How cool must those kids have been? Perhaps they all went to the same middle school, or something, and they raced hot bicycles instead of flaming whips. That€™s right. I€™m talking about LI€™L FAST, LI€™L FURIOUS. Always a tool of the system, Brian gets sent in by the Principal to find out what€™s going on with the underground Huffy heats, only to get enveloped by the world he was attempting to infiltrate. Casting would be hard, because you€™d need just the right kid for thirteen year-old Vin Diesel. Or maybe they could get some regular kid to play him, but they could have the real Vin Diesel dub in young Dominic€™s dialogue. Either way, we€™re talking about a way to open up a long running franchise to a whole new audience while simultaneously giving the FasFurs the rush they so desperately need.
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Based in Chicago, Christopher Tucker does what he can to bring a little fun into the world through writing, videos and board games. More of his machinations can be discovered over at Tuckertronik.com. He feels confident that the entirety of his life will be broken into two segments: prior to the finale of Breaking Bad and post Breaking Bad.