10 Iconic Horror Death Scenes That Were Much Better Than The Films

3. Dr. Wilson - The Hills Have Eyes II (2007)

toilet From the get go you know that 'The Hills Have Eyes II' is not a film for the squeamish. The opening sees a captive girl pop out some mutant offspring, then quickly offed by a blow to the head. Cue two hours of mutant rape and army recruits being dragged through small holes in the New Mexico dessert. 'The Hills Have Eyes II' is a staple of the production company 'Fox Atomic', an offshoot of 20th Century Fox, focussing on the horror genre. Whilst only open for a short period it gave us some great films, such as the likes of '28 Weeks Later' and 'Jennifer's Body', the label officially shut in 2009. Whilst the sequel to 'The Hills Have Eyes' is almost instantly forgettable, it is the death of scientist Dr. Wilson that will have you literally shouting 'OH S!&*T', meaning festival toilets will never quite be the same again. The golden rules of horror films are never say "I'll be right back", never have sex, and NEVER use the toilet. National guard member Napoleon should have taken this advice when he found Dr. Wilson down the portaloo. Proving that the mutants aren't just mindless inbred outcasts, they cut Dr. Wilson hundreds of times, the resulting death is caused by massive septic shock from the toilet. 2006's 'The Hills Have Eyes' was a remake of Wes Craven's 1997 classic and Craven teamed up with son Jonathan for the sequel. The original idea was to have the first film's Emilie De Ravin joining the National Guard to get over the events of what happened to her. Due to De Ravin's filming schedule with 'Lost' her character was replaced, whilst Craven kept the concept of having the National Guard investigating what happened. The film was panned, receiving an 11% freshness rating on Rotten Tomatoes and so another great horror franchise bites the dust.

Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap