10 Iconic Movie Characters Only ONE Actor Could Play

6. Indiana Jones - Harrison Ford

jackie brown

Harrison Ford has such a defining presence and an undying charisma that you could make the argument that pretty much any of his roles could only be played by him.

The most notable time someone else jumped into the boots of a character he made famous was Alden Ehrenreich's take on Han Solo in Solo: A Star Wars Story, which pretty much amounted to the actor doing his best Harrison Ford impression for two hours.

That, obviously, did not go down well, and that's partly because Ford brings so much of himself to his defining characters, especially Indiana Jones.

Disney have been trying for years to get another instalment off the ground, and the issue is that audiences simply wouldn't accept anyone else as Jones, but Ford is a bit too old to be shooting fascists and tomb raiding.

There is no franchise without Ford, and no one else could embody this lovable rascal of an adventurer. Especially not Shia Labeouf.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3