10 Iconic Movie Characters Weirdly REPLACED In Movie Sequels

1. Lois Lane - Superman III

Ghostbusters Slimer Muncher
Warner Bros.

Margot Kidder's portrayal of Lois Lane in the first two Superman movies is nothing short of iconic, and Kidder's dynamic with Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent/Superman so perfect that fans were all-too-happy to see more of it in Superman III.

And so, many were dismayed to see Lois get the egregiously short shrift in the third movie, her expectedly upfront role reduced to a several-minute cameo consisting of just 12 lines of dialogue before she heads off to Bermuda on vacation.

Kidder insists that she was "punished" for criticising the film's producers for how they treated director Richard Donner on Superman II, a claim they nevertheless deny.

All the same, Lois was replaced as the female lead by Clark's new love interest from the comics, Lana Lang (Annette O'Toole, who would later play Martha Kent in Smallville).

Though Lana was a perfectly respectable new flame for Clark in her own right, fans were generally far more invested in seeing Lois and Clark get back together.

Sadly Superman III marked the point at which the Reeve Superman movies began to fall off a cliff, so it wasn't only Lois it did a huge disservice to.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.