10 Iconic Movie Moments The Director Didn't Understand

9. The Room's Final Confrontation Did Not Elicit The Reactions Tommy Wiseau Had Hoped For

Nolan Confused
Chloe Productions/TPW Films

While the final argument between Johnny (Tommy Wiseau) and Lisa (Juliette Danielle) was misunderstood by director/writer/lead actor Wiseau just like the other entries, it is for reasons far removed from the rest.  

Hilariously acted, awkwardly shot and riddled with stilted dialogue, the scene is remembered more for Wiseau's delivery of "You're tearing me apart, Lisa!" more than anything else. Seeing that this scene was meant to serve as the narrative and emotional climax of the 2003 cult classic, it is clear that Wiseau intended for this 'dramatic' scene to be taken seriously by audiences. 

This is especially true after it was revealed by Greg Sestero (Mark) in his book (via an article on the book by The Verge) that The Room was a semi-autobiographical account of the enigmatic director's life. 

Admittedly, audiences laughing at and mocking a retelling of a man's past woes is not something one would typically celebrate, but it seems that Wiseau has taken the reaction to his 'so bad it's good' opus in stride in the years since its debut.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.