10 Important Horror Movie Details That Are Almost Never Mentioned

We all need to be talking about these horror movie moments.

American Psycho

If those who don't watch many horror movies might dismiss the genre as nothing but vapid bloodshed and lowest common denominator thrills, we as horror fans of course know that's just not the case. 

Great horror films are smartly constructed, thoughtfully written, and potentially packed to the gills with fascinating and important details on par with any other film genre.

But even in our age of seemingly endless reams of movie trivia, sometimes the coolest details can get lost in the shuffle and fall through the cracks, enough that the vast majority of moviegoers aren't even aware of them.

And so, what better time to shine a light on some smart and telling horror movie facts that deserve to be more widely known?

From dead giveaways of a certain masked killer's identity you probably didn't catch, to insanely dark jokes nobody's talking about, and other sneaky yet important details scattered around, the world of horror fandom desperately needs to get talking about all these golden nuggets of info.

And if you did notice any of these details yourself, and better yet have posted about them online, then damn good going...

10. The Casey Doll In Stu's Attic - Scream

American Psycho
Dimension Films

There are few things horror fans love more than going back through a slasher movie and seeking out clues which point to the identity of the killer(s). 

And the original Scream has one hell of a doozy that's rarely brought up by even the franchise's ultra-passionate fanbase.

In the third act, when Sidney (Neve Campbell) flees from Ghostface by running into the attic of Stu's (Matthew Lillard) house, for a brief moment it's possible to see an incredibly telling effigy hanging up.

Just in front of and above Sid, a crude doll bearing an unmistakable resemblance to the film's first victim, Casey Becker (Drew Barrymore), can be seen hanging in a manner similar to how Ghostface left her corpse hanging from a tree.

Given that this is Stu's house, it's basically an early spoiler that Stu is the killer - or rather, one of the killers - and yet, the detail passes by so quickly that it's incredibly tough to spot, especially with the attic's low-key lighting.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.