10 Important Horror Movie Details That Are Almost Never Mentioned

3. The Mysterious Fate Of Anna - Predator

American Psycho

Though much has been written in novelisations and video games about the aftermath of Predator, it almost entirely focuses on the subsequent fate of protagonist Dutch (Arnold Schwarzenegger).

Yet Predator of course has a second survivor - Anna (Elpidia Carrillo), a guerrilla rebel who gets to the chopper as Dutch so memorably instructs, and flies to safety with him in the final scene.

While fans have talked much about Dutch's post-Predator fate, curious few have ever spared a thought for Anna. Though eagle-eyed viewers might spot a snippet of her debriefing video in Predator 2 playing on a TV screen in Peter Keyes' (Gary Busey) mobile HQ, beyond that we're left to freely speculate.

Perhaps Anna was granted asylum by the U.S. government for detailing her encounter with the Predator, or if you want to be a little more cynical about it, it's entirely possible the government washed their hands with her following the debrief. 

And given that she's a Communist guerrilla and all, they might've done so with extreme prejudice, if you catch our drift.

It's nice to think that Anna is living out the rest of her days trauma-free, but it's probably not likely. Either way, she's basically faded into the furniture of the franchise, which is a fate she categorically doesn't deserve.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.