10 Improvised Movie Moments That Made The Film Much Better

10. A Clockwork Orange Spoils Singin' In The Rain Forever

Stanley Kubrick was a perfectionist. Which worked out well for audiences, but less so for his actors, who had to sit through endless multiple takes before the director finally got the exact performance he wanted. He started with that particular filmmaking foible early on, particularly with one scene of A Clockwork Orange. When Malcolm McDowell's Alex and his gang of ultra-violent droogs invite themselves into an upper-class couples home and sexually assault the wife - which can't have been fun for the actress to perform over and over again - Kubrick couldn't quite figure out what was missing from the scene. In fact filming was so difficult the original actress quit and was replaced by Adrienne Corri, but even that didn't seal the deal for Kubrick. What did was McDowell improvising, serenading his victim with Singin' In The Rain. The director loved it, immediately secured the rights to the song, and sullied it in everyone's mind forever more.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/