6. Team Rocket (Pokemon The Movie)
TohoThere isnt much Team Rockets Jesse and James share with their namesake. Neither will ever be as great of an outlaw as Jesse James but this doesnt stop them from enthusiastically trying. Team Rockets purpose in Pokemon The Movie is a little different to their previous appearances in the franchise. Normally, Jesse and James are doing everything within their power to stop Ash Ketchum and cause havoc throughout the Pokemon world but in the film they eventually help to save the world. Even though they show some heroics in the film they still start out with bad intentions and are still foiled. Even their reasoning for fighting to save the world was a bad one - rather than save the world to save lives they wanted to save it so they could continue in their villainous ways. Despite their ulterior motives, they did actually help this time but theres no denying that Jesse and James are some of the most incompetent villains to ever grace the big screen and its no doubt that whatever they attempt to do, theyll inevitably always be seen blasting off again.
Sam Heard
Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.
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