10 Incredible 2017 Movie Characters

7. Joe Bang - Logan Lucky

Daniel Craig Logan Lucky

We all know Daniel Craig is a good actor. He brought real weight to the role of James Bond back in 2006, and before that he was a reliable supporting player in critically acclaimed movies like Munich and Road to Perdition. But "character actor" is never a label that Daniel Craig ever really fit. He vanished into the villain of The Adventures of Tintin, but that was more because of the animation than anything else. This year, we finally got to see him stretch his acting muscles in Stephen Soderbergh's Logan Lucky.

Soderbergh has always had a talent for bringing out unexpected performances from leading men. Joe Bang is about as far as one can get from James Bond, performance-wise. Sarcastic, smart, and extremely southern, Joe Bang is an immediate standout in a cast of movie stars playing blue collar criminals. Whether he's escaping prison or blowing up a vault using jelly beans, Daniel Craig is absolutely magnetic in the role.

Much of the mileage in Logan Lucky comes from transposing the well-worn heist movie format onto blue collar America. Joe Bang is practically that entire premise in a nutshell - taking a well known Hollywood superstar and fitting him into a colorful character role with a name right out of a comic book and an incredible American accent.


Self-evidently a man who writes for the Internet, Robert also writes films, plays, teleplays, and short stories when he's not working on a movie set somewhere. He lives somewhere behind the Hollywood sign.