10 Incredible Action Scenes In Terrible Movies

8. Taking Out The Trash - Death Wish 3

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 Dakota Fanning
Cannon Films

By any standard metric of evaluating a film, Death Wish 3 is totally awful - a textbook example of a franchise entering its shambling, zombified stage as it continues to exist only because the box office grosses haven't dried up yet.

On a moral level, the reactionary, right-wing politics are so disgustingly on-the-nose as to be unintentionally comical, enough that the film has become something of an accidental, campy cult classic in recent years.

But ironic enjoyment aside, there's one sequence in the movie that's utterly unimpeachable as action filmmaking goes.

It's the gonzo climax in which Charles Bronson's Paul Kersey rallies the citizens of an overrun New York City neighbourhood to violently fight back against the "creeps" haranguing them.

What follows is a glorious 15-minute orgy of cartoonish violence, beginning with Kersey unleashing an oversized mini-gun on the street punks and only getting more absurd from there.

After finally running out of ammo, Kersey reverts to his trusty hand-cannon to keep mowing the bad guys down, intercut with the area increasingly coming to resemble an actual war zone as the punks blow up basically every building and vehicle in sight.

It's an absolute bloodbath, with cops, criminals, and civilians all suffering massive casualties, until the sequence concludes with its pièce de résistance: Kersey blowing up the gang's leader, Manny (Gavan O'Herlihy), with a damn bazooka.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.