10 Incredible Action Scenes In Terrible Movies

4. First-Person Shooting - Doom

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 Dakota Fanning

2005's Doom might be the better of the two live-action Doom movies produced to date - the other being 2018's wretched direct-to-VOD Doom: Annihilation - it's still a load of old bobbins for the most part.

For starters, the Hell setting from the video games was ditched for no discernible reason, and the bulk of the movie smacks of a generic sci-fi action romp with recognisable branding cynically slapped over it.

But there is a single sequence that captures the honest-to-God vibe of the games, when protagonist John "Reaper" Grimm (Karl Urban) is injected with a life-saving experimental serum, bestowing him with superhuman abilities as he takes on the monster gallery filling the UAC research facility.

The scene's big hook is that it's executed from a first-person perspective as a single take to resemble the aesthetic of the games.

It's goofy, sure, but boasts a creativity and technical ingenuity that suggests a real love for the source material - something the script otherwise totally lacks.

Seeing Grimm blast his way through infected humans and mutated monsters alike, including the monstrous Pinky, is a ton of fun, even if it's a sadly fleeting diversion in an otherwise piss-poor adaptation.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.