10 Incredible Comedy Movie Details You Definitely Missed

7. Jacque Has The Cleanest Bag - Finding Dory

Fargo William H. Macy

Everyone remembers the Tank Gang. This delightful crew of sea critters told a great story of struggle, adversity, and triumph in Pixar's Finding Nemo as they sought their freedom from P. Sherman's dentistry. 

Of course, their great escape was tempered by the fact they ended up stuck in plastic bags in the ocean. Still, they got to live free of their fear of Darla, and they even reappeared in the sequel, Finding Dory, in a hilarious post-credits zing. 

That zing, however, proved why you should never throw rubbish into the ocean, as they were still confined to their plastic prisons a whole year after their escape. On top of that, they were utterly riddled with algae. But, if you looked closely, you could see that one of these things was not like the other.

Keen viewers might have noticed that Jacque, the shrimp, sported a spotless bag. Why was his clean when the others weren't? Well, you might recall that Jacque was a skunk cleaner shrimp and often cleaned the algae in their original tank. The animators clearly remembered this important aspect of his character, and thus made sure his bag was spic and span. 

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