10 Incredible Comedy Movie Details You Definitely Missed

3. The Twins' Literary Choices - Hot Fuzz

Fargo William H. Macy

The Cornetto Trilogy - Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The World's End - is a trio of films so jam-packed with nuanced jokes they could fill up every space on this list. No matter how many times you watch them, you'll always find some new detail you never noticed before. Case in point, here's one that you almost certainly missed in Hot Fuzz. 

One of the funniest gags in this film revolves around the revelation that Bill Bailey's book reading, split personality-seeming Sergeant Turner, was actually a set of twins the whole time. Each one was distinct yet identical to the other, and one way the film joked about with this was via the books they read. 

The first, and far more put together twin, is seen reading the crime thriller "Complicity" by the author Iain Banks. Whereas the scruffier twin reads two separate books by Iain M. Banks, the name the author uses to distinguish his more serious projects from his sci-fi novels. They're reading books by the same author that are somehow the same yet completely different. 

On top of that, one could argue that the first twin's choice of reading is an allusion to his complicity with Sandford's crimes. Edgar Wright, give us a break.

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