10 Incredible Endings To Otherwise Terrible Horror Movies
5. The Skeleton Key
2005's Kate Hudson vehicle The Skeleton Key is by no means a great movie, and the only-alright horror is another unfortunate case of Hollywood using voodoo religious rituals for window dressing rather than really spending any time depicting and discussing the rites, practices, and thought behind them.
Cough, the original 1988 Child's Play, cough.
That said, the nasty twist thrown in at the tail end of this otherwise bland bayou-set voodoo thriller improves proceedings immeasurably, as our heroine seems set to save the day, only to end up in a nightmarish hell of her own unintentional making.
Hudson's well-meaning social worker may uncover the plot to transplant a dying patient's conscience in a younger body, but it doesn't mean she can stop this nasty fate from befalling her in the film's shockingly dark final twist.