10 Incredible Endings To Otherwise Terrible Horror Movies
3. April Fool’s Day
Okay, so 1986's April Fool's Day is beloved and infamous amongst horror fans in equal measure, but let’s face it—this slasher is nothing special until its audacious reveal.
Yes, you may have been able to guess the twist from the title alone. But this flick, which sees a set of standard slasher movie teens visit a remote island on the eponymous holiday only to end up offed one by one by an unseen killer, does actually manage to convince audiences that it can't be that obvious.
And it's a pretty standard, not-at-all-memorable slasher as far as eighties horrors go...
Until we discover that yes, the entire action of the film has been one absurdly elaborate prank, an unforgettably solid silly ending which earns this otherwise standard horror a place in the slasher film pantheon.