10 Incredible Fan Films That Totally Succeeded Where Hollywood Failed

8. Spider-Man: Eclipse

Barring a wonderfully managed role in the upcoming Marvel films, it's fair to say that Spider-Man's appearances on the big screen have been really, really disappointing. The original trilogy went from average popcorn flick to complete disaster in only the time it took Toby Maguire to swan dive off an American flag, and the Andrew Garfield reboot didn't even come close to matching its big-screen superhero contemporaries.

Opening with Peter Parker bloodied, bruised and unmasked, Spider-Man: Eclipse is Bokeh Pictures attempt to portray the character in a "darker, more visceral, and more realistic fashion". They've succeeded too. Making his escape through a warehouse, the film features some incredible CGI, fight scenes and free-running that really belies the small budget and crew involved.

Although it lacks the huge eye-dropping moments of its Hollywood incarnations, it does more to open up the persona of Peter Parker than any film has previously. If Marvel still have any decisions to make over which way to take Spidey in the next generation of movies, there's plenty they could learn from his portrayal here.

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