10 Incredible Performances In Recent Horror Movies

8. Clancy Brown - The Mortuary Collection

Kate Lyn Sheil - She Dies Tomorrow
Glass Eye Pix

The Mortuary Collection is one of the most shockingly consistent horror anthologies ever made, but arguably the most entertaining part of the compendium is actually the wraparound story.

Here Clancy Brown plays Montgomery Dark, a small-town mortician seeking an assistant, and who interviews a young woman, Sam (Caitlin Custer), for the job while regaling her with stories of those who've died strange deaths in the sleepy town of Raven's End.

Brown is of course best known for his distinctive, deep voice which has made him a regular fixture as imposing villains in genre films, but his part as the gloomy mortician in this brilliantly-crafted horror anthology is on a whole other level.

With the help of phenomenal make-up effects, Brown disappears entirely into the part of Dark, giving a creepy-yet-ambiguous performance the full truth of which is held close until the film's twisted final moments.

It would've been easy for Brown to just sleepwalk his way through this with a typical, generic sinister weirdo performance, but he dares to go deeper, creating one of the most statuesque horror characters of the last year and one who carries basically the entire movie on his back.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.