10 Incredible Performances The Academy Ignored This Year

9. Robert De Niro (The Irishman)

Jennifer Lopez Hustlers

Robert De Niro has experienced his fair share of Oscar love over the years, winning a shiny gold man for his roles in The Godfather: Part II and Raging Bull. Not to mention being nominated for a further five awards at the event.

Yet, that didn't save him from being overlooked for his stellar performance as Frank Sheeran in Martin Scorsese's The Irishman.

Despite the fact that he turned in one of his most subtle and conflicted performances to date - as the go to guy for Al Pacino's Jimmy Hoffa - De Niro was not included in either the Best Actor or Best Supporting Actor categories at this year's show.

Perhaps the fact that a great deal of De Niro's performance came whilst under the wicked spell of performance capture - used to age De Niro and co. up and down throughout the flick - hindered his chances. Or maybe the Academy members just fell asleep midway through their mammoth screening of the 209 minute juggernaut.

Either way, De Niro is in no desperate need of another nomination, but his best piece of work over the last decade or so definitely should have been acknowledged on the grandest stage possible.

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