The streets that line the moviemaking world are paved with the remnants of unmade films. Those that, for whatever reason, collapsed into nothingness before they ever really got a chance. From inception to completion, the road to success in the business of moving pictures is notoriously potholed, perilous and liberally littered with all kinds of miss-leading signposts, drop offs and brick walls that can at any moment totally sucker punch a production right in the nuts. But every now and again, we get a tiny glimpse into what could have been. We can glance into an alternate time line where some truly astounding sci-fi cinemagasm's came to fruition instead of staggering to a standstill at the production finishing line as a wheezing and spluttering mess forced to buckle under its own weight. The following are 10 of the most down right intriguing Sci-Fi movie pictures that we very, very nearly almost managed to sink our eyes and ears into, prior to that whole "ball-shot, collapsing in a sweaty heap" thing happened...