10 Incredibly Bad Fashion Statements In James Bond Films

8. Doctor No - Dr. No

bondfashion-8 Ever wonder where on Earth Austin Powers' Dr Evil shops and finds such... interesting attire? Well apparently we can trace it back somewhat to the first ever Bond movie villain Doctor No (Joseph Wiseman) who appears to have shopped at the same boutique for villains, proving that even when your name is in the title of the movie, you're not absolved or immune to committing a criminal fashion faux pas. Doctor No isn't a hugely effective villain by any means - his physical prowess is somewhat limited and while he's very intelligent, his sole outfit choice of a grey suit-slash-onesie with black leather gloves is a shade too melodramatic - think of a strange 20th century Count Dracula vibe - and soon set the template for villains and their fashion choices.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.