10 Incredibly Dumb Sequels You Won't Believe Almost Got Made

1. Superman Lives

superman-lives-brainiac-concept-art_405 Though I'm not a huge Kevin Smith fan myself, I'm well aware that the man has a large fanbase and lots of dedicated followers. He does what he does well, he seems cool in real life, and I've got no beef with him. That was until I stumbled upon his unrealised movie sequel going under the title Superman Lives, which is, for all intents and purposes, bats**t crazy. That's to say, the movie involved Superman not flying, driving a car, and wearing a seriously bizarre black suit. I'm not kidding. But Smith, it turns out, isn't really to blame: it's a producer named Jon Peters, who gave Smith (who had pitched his idea only) a set of "conditions" for which to write the screenplay under: this included the no-fly zone thing, the Supercar, and the black sui idea. For some reason, Peters also insisted that Smith write a scene in the movie where Superman fights a giant spider (those were big in the '90s, for some reason). To make matters even worse, Nicolas Cage - of all people - signed on to star. Can you imagine if this thing had ever been genuinely realised? And it came so freakin' close. Luckily for the world at large, things began to fall apart, what with the insanity that Jon Peters must have been taking in massive doses over the course of production, and Superman Lives fell by the wayside and died. Now we ask: Jon Peters, what the hell were you thinking? Like this article? Which movies have we missed? Let us know in the comments section below.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.