10 Incredibly Entertaining Movie Bank Robberies

1. Heat

heat The bank robbery in Heat and the resultant shootout in the streets of L.A is one of my favourite film scenes ever. Heat is a bloody long film and for the first two thirds, Robert De Niro€™s crew have been established as a slick operation who know exactly what they are doing and they put all their skills to use here. Hidden in plain site as customers, the crew act normal until De Niro walks in, at which point they all pull on balaclavas and the robbery begins. The guards are brutally taken out and, after some resistance, they secure the vault key. The gang get into the safe and leave one by one with bags full of cash over their shoulder. It would have been the perfect robbery were it not for a Criminal Informant tip-off which leads Al Pacino and his cop team right to them. This part of the film is so entertaining because we€™re show just what happens when a well-planned operation by an intelligent bunch of career criminals goes completely down the pan at the last second. The getaway shootout on the streets of L.A is in my opinion one of the most entertaining scenes in movie history. De Niro's team show their massive testicular fortitude by making their escape while exchanging heavy arms fire with the LAPD. An interesting fact about this scene, according to IMDB, is that in it was shown to United States Marine recruits as an example of the proper way to retreat while under fire. This shows a terrifying amount of realism went into the filming of the bank robbery/shootout scene and it certainly paid off with the end result. To know that this could actually work makes it even more enjoyable.

Lover of film, video games, football, fitness and of course writing. Journalist/feature writer by trade. Looking to write about what I love in my spare time (lol!). @samforrester23