10 Incredibly Entertaining Movie Bank Robberies

6. Inside Man

inside man This is the first of two entries where almost the entire movie is actually set in the bank being robbed. Clive Owen€™s deviously smart character spends the entire film playing the two detectives sent to bring him down. He is always one step ahead and is so charismatic in a lead role that you come to admire his intelligence, even if it does involve taking people hostage and stealing. Inside Man is full of twists and turns and is captivating throughout with the motives and methods becoming clearer as the film moves forward. There are some shocking moments, including one where a hostage appears to be shot in the head, but as with Now You See Me, nothing is ever quite as it seems and that€™s what makes it such an entertaining ride. Nothing is ever out of Owen€™s control, the plan comes together exactly as it should and by the end he has actually accomplished more than just making himself a bit richer. What starts off as a simple bank heist film actually gathers more and more depth as it progresses to its finale. But as is often the case the journey is more enjoyable than the destination. It is probably one of the most ingenious, if convoluted methods of bank robbery on this list.

Lover of film, video games, football, fitness and of course writing. Journalist/feature writer by trade. Looking to write about what I love in my spare time (lol!). @samforrester23