10 Incredibly Smug Movie References You Might Have Missed

4. Out Of Sight - Gekko's Mugshot

Long before George Clooney was considered Hollywood royalty, he made Out Of Sight with Steven Soderbergh - a fast-paced and hugely under-loved drama that still stands as some of his finest work.

He was on strong charming form, opposite J-Lo, as a career criminal called Jack Foley who gets a little too involved with the US Marshall he kidnaps. At one point during the film, J-Lo's character Karen Sisco is watching a news report, warning of Foley's escape, which shows his mugshot. "It doesn't even look like him", she grumbles, and the film moves on without a second glance.

But there's a reason it doesn't look like him - it's because it isn't. The image that flashes up on the screen is in fact the mugshot of Clooney's character Seth Gecko from From Dusk Till Dawn, which came out two years before Out Of Sight, and which obviously appealed to Soderbergh enough to warrant the congratulatory reference.

Quite why this is even included in the film is questionable, but then the same accusation can be levelled at most self-indulgent movie easter eggs.


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