10 Incredibly Subtle Ways Movies Gave Away Their Endings

1. Captain America: Civil War Foreshadowed Infinity War's Ending

Captain America Civil War Vision Scarlet Witch
Marvel Studios

It goes without saying that Marvel work double-hard to make sure everyone knows that their movies are part of a shared universe, establishing repeatedly that every plot hint will eventually lead to a resolution, even if it takes years from seeding to fruition. Unless of course they choose to retcon it, which they also like to do without ever really acknowledging as much.

That said, they love to drop little hints in that pay off several movies down the line, and it appears that they revealed who was going to die of the Avengers at the end of Infinity War back in Captain America: Civil War.

As spotted by Tumblr user Raider 5, the scene in which the heroes discuss signing the Sokovia Accords has the big hint. The Avengers sit around the boardroom table in telling positions: Captain America, Black Widow, and War Machine all sit on the left, while Scarlet Witch, Vision, and Falcon are on the right. That split is very much Lives and Dies in Infinity War (Tony Stark is on the same side as Cap, though he's removed from the table).

There's just no way it's a coincidence.

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