10 Infamous Movie Box Office Bombs That Cost Obscene Money

6. The Lone Ranger

47 ronin

Westerns aren't exactly known as movies that cost vast sums of money to produce, and no-one in their right mind should be spending a quarter of a billion dollars on one. Keen to recreate the success of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise in a different setting, Disney somehow decided that The Lone Ranger's eye-watering budget wasn't that great of a risk, only for it to tank spectacularly.

To put things into perspective, Antoine Fuqua's The Magnificent Seven is also an action-packed recent adaptation of a popular Western property that features a cast loaded with movie stars and recognizable character actors that didn't manage to catch fire at the box office, but it still cost $150m less that Disney's infamous dud.

The Lone Ranger cost so much that you could make Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven ten times over and still have the money left to cover the budget of Django Unchained, and yet Gore Verbinski's misfire couldn't even come anywhere close to leaving any sort of mark whatsoever on the genre, never mind an indelible one like those two did.


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