10 Infamous Movie Plot-Holes (Solved By Film-Makers)
3. The Bifrost - Thor
The first Thor outing wasn't the MCU's best effort, but it still managed to set up a great future for the God of Thunder and his mischievous brother, Loki. The emotional climax of the film, wherein Thor confronts his brother, sees the destruction of the Bifrost, the magical bridge which links Asgard to Earth (and Thor to his beau).
So came the question: How would Thor return to the franchise if he had no way of getting back to Earth?
Well, in Avengers, Thor returns with little issue, intent on capturing Loki and bringing him home to face judgement for his actions. But how did Thor get back? Loki makes a passing comment about the use of "dark magic", but aside from that no real explanation is given. That is, until Avengers: Infinity War.
At the beginning of Infinity War, Heimdall (Idris Elba) calls to the All-Fathers to let their dark power "pass through him one last time". That's right, the Russo Brothers, creators of numerous plot holes with Endgame, actually used its predecessor to solve an MCU mystery. It was Heimdall who aided Thor in his return to Earth all those years ago, and he achieved it through the use of ancient magic.
Showing things happen on screen, it appears, is a strong way of filling in a plot hole. Even if it does take seven years. Then again, they never explain how the bridge is fixed by Dark World, which kind of cheapens the emotional ending of the first film. Oh well.