10 Infamous Sci-Fi Movie Disasters That Cost Obscene Money

9. Geostorm

Mars Needs Moms
Warner Bros.

Most thinly-veiled Roland Emmerich ripoffs tend to head straight for your local bargain bin, but Geostorm marked the directorial debut of Dean Devlin, who had worked with the Master of Disaster on Stargate, Godzilla, The Patriot and both Independence Day movies, so the studio were happy to hand him a $120m in the hope that he'd learned at least a thing or two.

It turned out that he didn't, because after a disastrous test screening extensive reshoots were ordered that added $15m on the budget and Devlin wasn't even invited back for them, with Danny Cannon taking over instead. If the version of Geostorm that hit theaters was the vastly improved version of the movie, then Devlin's original take on the material must have been awful.

Outside of Twister inclement weather hasn't exactly resulted in the most thrilling blockbuster movies, and it was almost impressive in how casting Gerard Butler as a satellite-designing astronaut was one of the more believable things about Geostorm's pale imitation of the destruction that we'd already seen much better in Devlin's previous collaborations with Emmerich.


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