10 Infuriating Movie Cliff-hangers You Didn't Realise Had Answers

3. The Consultant - The Incredible Hulk

Inception Dicaprio
Marvel Studios

Some MCU post-credit scenes are better than others. Some are paid off sooner than others, while certain ones are there just for a giggle before the audience heads home. Then, there is the scene at the end of The Incredible Hulk, that seemingly made no sense at all.

A bitter and defeated General Ross is confronted by a typically dressed-to-the-nines Tony Stark, who drops the bomb that they are looking to put a team together before the credits roll. A clear hint towards The Avengers surely, but it made little to no sense.

Stark wasn't yet attached to the Avengers Initiative, and even so, why would he be speaking specifically to Ross about it? The answer was given in a Marvel One-Shot, a series of shorts typically released as DVD bonus footage. The One-Shot in question is The Consultant, which is based around a discussion between S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Coulson and Sitwell.

Essentially, Fury wanted the Abomination for his Avengers team, but Coulson and Sitwell saw what a bad idea it was. Rather than disobey the Director's orders, they instead sent Stark as 'The Consultant' to try and convince Ross to allow them to speak to Blonsky, knowing that on his personality alone he would fail to convince Thunderbolt. Their plan worked perfectly, and instead of joining the likes of Iron Man and Cap in the Battle of New York, Blonsky was put on ice.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.