10 Ingredients To Making A Perfect Modern Day RoboCop Film

8. The Original Suit And Moves

Similar to remixing the classic theme, the studio decided to modernize the classic silver outfit, which is wholly disappointing as the "tactical black" look often looks silly, whereas the modernized silver suit looked spiffy. It's like taking Superman's colors of blue and red and making them green and yellow just because the associated look is outdated. In truth, no one wants these classic outfits of idolized figures radically updated and tinkered with either, and it seems as if at some point during production the studio also came to this realization, as at the end of the film RoboCop gets his silver suit back. What's even more telling is that most of the movie is actually excellent up until the new black suit is introduced. It isn't a just a color that has changed, but RoboCop's entire combat style. Instead of honing in on the dynamics between man and machine, and going for a clunky yet indestructible exoskeleton, this version of RoboCop is highly agile with the ability to take giant leaps, and is generally overpowered in combat. It doesn't feel like you're watching a man in a machine fight crime under control of a ruthless organization, but rather your standard Hollywood action blockbuster fare. There are no memorable action scenes as a result; they simply tried too hard to make RoboCop cool in combat, instead of grounding his skillset within a degree of reality. And truthfully, it's enough to suck anyone right out of the movie.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.